Digestive Detox
The world is on high alert and the word ‘Coronavirus’ is on everyone’s lips. Travel plans have been cancelled, people are isolating from one another and there’s panic and concern everywhere.
It’s easy to get caught up in the hype and worry for yourself and those you love. After all, nobody wants to suffer. Nobody wants those they love to suffer. It’s natural to want to keep safe.
I want to thank you so much for creating this fantastic mp3 to clear viruses in our system, whatever they are, including COVID-19!
I love listening to it and I feel so much calmer during and after listening.
Your voice is so soothing and your energy work so potent!
Thank you!
Bye Bye viruses! Time to leave now!
Alexandra L , Lissabon
How would it feel to banish worry and feel protected?
Imagine the relief of feeling confident in the knowledge that you are safe from harm?
Your body already knows how to keep you well, but stress and toxins can weaken your immune system and leave you vulnerable to viruses. It’s like having holes in your armor that lets the arrows get through.
Today those arrows are called Coronavirus … tomorrow who knows?
Modern medicine has nothing to offer you
Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses
The latest flu medications cannot help
And there is no vaccine available …
Your health and wellbeing is dependent on your immune system’s ability to protect you
At this time when we’re all being encouraged (or required) to stay at home, it can be hard to manage your thoughts and emotions. It’s scary to think there’s an invisible enemy that could take your life or the life of someone you love. It’s stressful to sit at home feeling powerless to help yourself. It’s terrifying to be isolated and alone, waiting to feel safe again.
You don’t need to be afraid
My Virus Clearing recording can keep you safe
You can feel confident even when everything around you feels uncomfortable
You can find peace in the midst of the storm
You can feel protected from harm …

Virus Clearing has been programmed to cleanse and protect you and your family. It can clear out any existing viruses that are lurking behind a veneer of wellness and protect you from being impacted by new viruses (including Coronavirus).
Listening to this recording every day (for 7 days) can change your internal environment. Your immune system can be strengthened and you can feel peaceful and confident that you are clear and protected from all viruses.
How amazing would that feel?
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