Imagine … if you could quickly, easily, painlessly and permanently remove pain from your body in one hour?
This was the experience of a 64 year old woman who came to me with a stomach pain she had been suffering from for many years. Nobody had been able to help her or knew what was causing her pain.
Using my unique Brain Body Transformation process, I was able to gently guide her to find the source of her pain. 85% of pain and illness in the body has an emotional cause and for this lady, her stomach pain was related to an experience she had at 12 years of age. She had always been afraid of the dark when she was alone but didn’t know why. She had gone on a trip with some friends and some caretakers and they were all chatting and singing around the fire when she decided to get something she had forgotten from her tent. She was about to return when she turned around and saw a man standing behind her in the dark. Something happened in that moment but her brain locked away the memory. All she was left with was the fear and the stomach ache.
The amazing thing about my process is that this lady didn’t need to re-live the experience in order for her to find release and healing. Gently, using zero-point energy and working with her sub-conscious mind, I was quickly able to remove the fear response to this experience.
And in doing so, her stomach ache went away permanently!
Try it for yourself...
Our brain stores every experience and every message we receive throughout our lives. And whenever we experience something new, our brain refers to the experiences of the past to know how to respond. This is why, we often find ourselves in a time-loop where the same results show up over and over again.
Your brain and your body are inter-connected and therefore painful emotions show up as pain in the body. This is the mind’s way of letting you know something is not right, that something needs to be healed.
And because everything is connected to everything else, we can start with the physical symptoms and track back to the emotion that is causing it. When we heal the emotional cause, the symptoms are also healed.
Amazing, yes?
There are events that have occurred in your past that you don’t remember. You don’t need to know what they are, but your response to those events sets up a deeply ingrained pattern that is driving your responses.
How would it feel to free yourself from the past and the pain that is showing up in your body and life today?
It is possible. You can erase the painful messages from the past and with them the pain you are experiencing today.
Hi, I’m Martina Waidhas, the creator of Brain Body Transformation (BBT) and a holistic health professional. For many years I tried various methods of healing; meditation, affirmations, willpower and manifestation techniques, and although these practices provided some relief, it wasn’t until I started working with the subconscious mind that I was able to unlock the doors to powerful and permanent healing.

You see, the brain is an incredible organ. It isn’t just the place where we think. And it doesn’t just run the processes that keep us alive. It is also learning and adapting constantly. Every emotion, every thought is stored away to become a frame of reference for the next experience. So if you reacted to a particular set of circumstances with a strong emotion, your brain will see future experiences, that appear similar, as the same. Your brain will supply the same response to this new experience as it did to the previous one.
But how will that work for you if the first experience was when you were 5 years old? How will the response of a 5 year old help you today?
It won’t. And yet the truth is that much of what you’re feeling today is rooted in experiences from the past. In messages you received from others throughout your childhood and as deeply held understandings of ‘how life is’. Many of these messages are unhelpful and blocking you from the health and life you want today.
How would it feel to find relief from the physical symptoms that are showing up for you?
I know you want that.
And I want that for you too …
You cannot heal the body without healing the mind.
And you cannot heal the mind without also healing the body.
The two are connected at a cellular level. What happens in the brain, happens in the body.
That’s what makes my Brain Body Transformation so powerful. We’re not just treating the symptoms and hoping for the best. We’re working with the most powerful organ in your body; your brain. And by finding the cause of your pain or illness, we are painlessly and permanently changing your physiology (your body) at a cellular level.
I’d love to see you find the relief that so many of my clients have experienced.
I’d love to help you break free of those messages from the past that are causing so much pain.
Here’s what one of my clients had to say:
Your treatment changed my entire life! I am so happy to no longer suffer from allergies.
But the most impressive thing for me was that after my treatment, I suddenly had a clear picture in my head about my personal future. I’m absolutely amazed at how two totally different areas of my life changed through working with you."
Thank you so much! Janina B.
Would you like to experience this for yourself?
You can!
My gentle process does not take away your control or leave you feeling helpless. There is nothing to fear as you do not need to re-live painful experiences from the past and you will be relaxed and calm as I guide you to the source of your pain and unhappiness.
Simply book an appointment time that suits you in the calendar below to discuss how my Brain Body Transformation process can work for you.
Give yourself a beautiful gift today … you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I look forward to meeting you very soon.
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